※ もう一方は、”city.tsu.mie.jp”で地域型ドメインです。
セカンドドメイン(2番目)は、”lg”(local governmentの略)ですが、この言葉との出会いは、何と地方自治法の研修初日。
講師の先生が黒板に ”LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT”、この言葉から研修が始まりました。
もう10数年前になりますが、当時は中央集権から地方分権への流れの真っただ中、それまで受けた法律の研修ではもちろん日本語、英語に疎い小生には驚きの一瞬でした。しかし、よく見れば、”中央”に対する”地方”の政府という感覚はすっきりと感じ取ることができます。また、GHQ草案(マッカーサー草案)にも確かに”LOCAL GOVERNMENT”として規定されていますので、この草案の真髄が移入されたものと思います。
P.S. 参考までに。
第8章 地方自治体
第92条 地方公共団体の組織及び運営に関する事項は、地方自治の本旨に基いて、法律でこれを定める。
Article 92 : Regulations concerning organization and operations of local public entities shall be fixed by law in accordance with the principle of local autonomy.
Article 93: The local public entities shall establish assemblies as their deliberative organs, in accordance with law. 2) The chief executive officers of all local public entities, the members of their assemblies, and such other local officials as may be determined by law shall be elected by direct popular vote within their several communities.
Article 94 : Local public entities shall have the right to manage their property, affairs and administration and to enact their own regulations within law.
Article 86 : The governors of prefectures, the mayors of cities and towns and the chief executive officers of all other subordinate bodies politic and corporate having taxing power, the members of prefectural and local legislative assemblies, and such other prefectural and local officials as the diet may determine, shall be elected by direct popular vote within their several communities.
Article 87 : The inhabitants of metropolitan areas, cities and towns shall be secure in their right to manage their property, affairs and government and to frame their own charters within such laws as the diet may enact.